Previously we mentioned that Haskell has a static type system. The type of every expression is known at compile time, which leads to safer code. If you write a program where you try to divide a boolean type with some number, it won’t even compile. That’s good because it’s better to catch such errors at compile time instead of having your program crash. Everything in Haskell has a type, so the compiler can reason quite a lot about your program before compiling it.
Unlike Java or Pascal, Haskell has type inference. If we write a number, we don’t have to tell Haskell it’s a number. It can infer that on its own, so we don’t have to explicitly write out the types of our functions and expressions to get things done. We covered some of the basics of Haskell with only a very superficial glance at types. However, understanding the type system is a very important part of learning Haskell.
A type is a kind of label that every expression has. It tells us in
which category of things that expression fits. The expression True
is a
boolean, "hello"
is a string, etc.
Now we’ll use GHCI to examine the types of some expressions. We’ll do
that by using the :t
command which, followed by any valid expression,
tells us its type. Let’s give it a whirl.
ghci> :t 'a'
'a' :: Char
ghci> :t True
True :: Bool
ghci> :t "HELLO!"
"HELLO!" :: [Char]
ghci> :t (True, 'a')
(True, 'a') :: (Bool, Char)
ghci> :t 4 == 5
4 == 5 :: Bool
Here we see that doing
on an expression prints out the expression followed by ::
and its type.
is read as “has type of”. Explicit types are always denoted with the
first letter in capital case. 'a'
, as it would seem, has a type of Char
It’s not hard to conclude that it stands for character. True
is of a
type. That makes sense. But what’s this? Examining the type of
yields a [Char]
. The square brackets denote a list. So we read
that as it being a list of characters. Unlike lists, each tuple length
has its own type. So the expression of (True, 'a')
has a type of
(Bool, Char)
, whereas an expression such as ('a','b','c')
would have the
type of (Char, Char, Char)
. 4 == 5
will always return False
, so its type
is Bool
Functions also have types. When writing our own functions, we can choose to give them an explicit type declaration. This is generally considered to be good practice except when writing very short functions. From here on, we’ll give all the functions that we make type declarations. Remember the list comprehension we made previously that filters a string so that only caps remain? Here’s how it looks like with a type declaration.
removeNonUppercase :: [Char] -> [Char]
removeNonUppercase st = [ c | c <- st, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
has a type of [Char] -> [Char]
, meaning that it maps
from a string to a string. That’s because it takes one string as a
parameter and returns another as a result. The [Char]
type is synonymous
with String
so it’s clearer if we write
removeNonUppercase :: String -> String
We didn’t have to give this function a type declaration because
the compiler can infer by itself that it’s a function from a string to a
string but we did anyway. But how do we write out the type of a function
that takes several parameters? Here’s a simple function that takes three
integers and adds them together:
addThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
addThree x y z = x + y + z
The parameters are separated with ->
and there’s no special distinction
between the parameters and the return type. The return type is the last
item in the declaration and the parameters are the first three. Later on
we’ll see why they’re all just separated with ->
instead of having some
more explicit distinction between the return types and the parameters
like Int, Int, Int -> Int
or something.
If you want to give your function a type declaration but are unsure as
to what it should be, you can always just write the function without it
and then check it with :t
. Functions are expressions too, so :t
on them without a problem.
Here’s an overview of some common types.
stands for integer. It’s used for whole numbers. 7
can be an Int
cannot. Int
is bounded, which means that it has a minimum and a
maximum value. Usually on 32-bit machines the maximum possible Int
2147483647 and the minimum is -2147483648.
stands for, er … also integer. The main difference is that it’s
not bounded so it can be used to represent really really big numbers. I
mean like really big. Int
, however, is more efficient.
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial n = product [1..n]
ghci> factorial 50
is a real floating point with single precision.
circumference :: Float -> Float
circumference r = 2 * pi * r
ghci> circumference 4.0
is a real floating point with double the precision!
circumference' :: Double -> Double
circumference' r = 2 * pi * r
ghci> circumference' 4.0
is a boolean type. It can have only two values: True
and False
represents a character. It’s denoted by single quotes. A list of
characters is a string.
Tuples are types but they are dependent on their length as well as the
types of their components, so there is theoretically an infinite number
of tuple types, which is too many to cover in this tutorial. Note that
the empty tuple ()
is also a type which can only have a single value: ()
What do you think is the type of the head
function? Because head
takes a
list of any type and returns the first element, so what could it be?
Let’s check!
ghci> :t head
head :: [a] -> a
Hmmm! What is this
? Is it
a type? Remember that we previously stated that types are written in
capital case, so it can’t exactly be a type. Because it’s not in capital
case it’s actually a type variable. That means that a
can be of any
type. This is much like generics in other languages, only in Haskell
it’s much more powerful because it allows us to easily write very
general functions if they don’t use any specific behavior of the types
in them. Functions that have type variables are called polymorphic
functions. The type declaration of head
states that it takes a list of
any type and returns one element of that type.
Although type variables can have names longer than one character, we usually give them names of a, b, c, d …
Remember fst
? It returns the first component of a pair. Let’s examine
its type.
ghci> :t fst
fst :: (a, b) -> a
We see that fst
takes a tuple which contains two types and returns an
element which is of the same type as the pair’s first component. That’s
why we can use fst
on a pair that contains any two types. Note that just
because a
and b
are different type variables, they don’t have to be
different types. It just states that the first component’s type and the
return value’s type are the same.
A typeclass is a sort of interface that defines some behavior. If a type is a part of a typeclass, that means that it supports and implements the behavior the typeclass describes. A lot of people coming from OOP get confused by typeclasses because they think they are like classes in object oriented languages. Well, they’re not. You can think of them kind of as Java interfaces, only better.
What’s the type signature of the ==
ghci> :t (==)
(==) :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool
Note: the equality operator,
is a function. So are+
and pretty much all operators. If a function is comprised only of special characters, it’s considered an infix function by default. If we want to examine its type, pass it to another function or call it as a prefix function, we have to surround it in parentheses.
Interesting. We see a new thing here, the =>
symbol. Everything before
the =>
symbol is called a class constraint. We can read the previous
type declaration like this: the equality function takes any two values
that are of the same type and returns a Bool
. The type of those two
values must be a member of the Eq
class (this was the class constraint).
The Eq
typeclass provides an interface for testing for equality. Any
type where it makes sense to test for equality between two values of
that type should be a member of the Eq
class. All standard Haskell types
except for IO
(the type for dealing with input and output) and functions
are a part of the Eq
The elem
function has a type of (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
because it
uses ==
over a list to check whether some value we’re looking for is in
Some basic typeclasses:
is used for types that support equality testing. The functions its
members implement are ==
and /=
. So if there’s an Eq
class constraint
for a type variable in a function, it uses ==
or /=
somewhere inside its
definition. All the types we mentioned previously except for functions
are part of Eq
, so they can be tested for equality.
ghci> 5 == 5
ghci> 5 /= 5
ghci> 'a' == 'a'
ghci> "Ho Ho" == "Ho Ho"
ghci> 3.432 == 3.432
is for types that have an ordering.
ghci> :t (>)
(>) :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Bool
All the types we covered so far except for functions are part of Ord
covers all the standard comparing functions such as >
, <
, >=
. The compare
function takes two Ord
members of the same type and
returns an ordering. Ordering
is a type that can be GT
, LT
or EQ
meaning greater than, lesser than and equal, respectively.
To be a member of Ord
, a type must first have membership in the
prestigious and exclusive Eq
ghci> "Abrakadabra" < "Zebra"
ghci> "Abrakadabra" `compare` "Zebra"
ghci> 5 >= 2
ghci> 5 `compare` 3
Members of Show
can be presented as strings. All types covered so far
except for functions are a part of Show
. The most used function that
deals with the Show
typeclass is show. It takes a value whose type is a
member of Show
and presents it to us as a string.
ghci> show 3
ghci> show 5.334
ghci> show True
is sort of the opposite typeclass of Show
. The read
function takes
a string and returns a type which is a member of Read
ghci> read "True" || False
ghci> read "8.2" + 3.8
ghci> read "5" - 2
ghci> read "[1,2,3,4]" ++ [3]
So far so good. Again, all types covered so far are in this typeclass.
But what happens if we try to do just read "4"
ghci> read "4"
Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`Read a' arising from a use of `read' at <interactive>:1:0-7
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
What GHCI is telling us here is that it doesn’t know what we want in
return. Notice that in the previous uses of read
we did something with
the result afterwards. That way, GHCI could infer what kind of result we
wanted out of our read
. If we used it as a boolean, it knew it had to
return a Bool
. But now, it knows we want some type that is part of the
class, it just doesn’t know which one. Let’s take a look at the
type signature of read
ghci> :t read
read :: (Read a) => String -> a
See? It returns a type that’s part of Read
but if we don’t try to use it
in some way later, it has no way of knowing which type. That’s why we
can use explicit type annotations. Type annotations are a way of
explicitly saying what the type of an expression should be. We do that
by adding ::
at the end of the expression and then specifying a type.
ghci> read "5" :: Int
ghci> read "5" :: Float
ghci> (read "5" :: Float) * 4
ghci> read "[1,2,3,4]" :: [Int]
ghci> read "(3, 'a')" :: (Int, Char)
(3, 'a')
Most expressions are such that the compiler can infer what their type is
by itself. But sometimes, the compiler doesn’t know whether to return a
value of type Int
or Float
for an expression like read "5"
. To see what
the type is, Haskell would have to actually evaluate read "5"
. But since
Haskell is a statically typed language, it has to know all the types
before the code is compiled (or in the case of GHCI, evaluated). So we
have to tell Haskell: “Hey, this expression should have this type, in
case you don’t know!”.
members are sequentially ordered types — they can be enumerated.
The main advantage of the Enum
typeclass is that we can use its types in
list ranges. They also have defined successors and predecessors, which
you can get with the succ
and pred
functions. Types in this class: ()
, Char
, Ordering
, Int
, Integer
, Float
and Double
ghci> ['a'..'e']
ghci> [LT .. GT]
ghci> [3 .. 5]
ghci> succ 'B'
members have an upper and a lower bound.
ghci> minBound :: Int
ghci> maxBound :: Char
ghci> maxBound :: Bool
ghci> minBound :: Bool
and maxBound
are interesting because they have a type of
(Bounded a) => a
. In a sense they are polymorphic constants.
All tuples are also part of Bounded
if the components are also in it.
ghci> maxBound :: (Bool, Int, Char)
is a numeric typeclass. Its members have the property of being able
to act like numbers. Let’s examine the type of a number.
ghci> :t 20
20 :: (Num t) => t
It appears that whole numbers are also polymorphic constants. They can
act like any type that’s a member of the Num
ghci> 20 :: Int
ghci> 20 :: Integer
ghci> 20 :: Float
ghci> 20 :: Double
Those are types that are in the Num
typeclass. If we examine the type of
, we’ll see that it accepts all numbers.
ghci> :t (*)
(*) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
It takes two numbers of the same type and returns a number of that type.
That’s why (5 :: Int) * (6 :: Integer)
will result in a type error
whereas 5 * (6 :: Integer)
will work just fine and produce an Integer
because 5
can act like an Integer
or an Int
To join Num
, a type must already be friends with Show
and Eq
is also a numeric typeclass. Num
includes all numbers,
including real numbers and integral numbers, Integral
includes only
integral (whole) numbers. In this typeclass are Int
and Integer
includes only floating point numbers, so Float
and Double
A very useful function for dealing with numbers is fromIntegral
. It has
a type declaration of fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
From its type signature we see that it takes an integral number and
turns it into a more general number. That’s useful when you want
integral and floating point types to work together nicely. For instance,
the length
function has a type declaration of length :: [a] -> Int
instead of having a more general type of
(Num b) => length :: [a] -> b
I think that’s there for historical reasons or something, although in
my opinion, it’s pretty stupid. Anyway, if we try to get a length of a
list and then add it to 3.2
, we’ll get an error because we tried to add
together an Int
and a floating point number. So to get around this, we
do fromIntegral (length [1,2,3,4]) + 3.2
and it all works out.
Notice that fromIntegral
has several class constraints in its type
signature. That’s completely valid and as you can see, the class
constraints are separated by commas inside the parentheses.