Higher order functions

Haskell functions can take functions as parameters and return functions
as return values. A function that does either of those is called a
higher order function. Higher order functions aren’t just a part of the
Haskell experience, they pretty much are the Haskell experience. It
turns out that if you want to define computations by defining what stuff
is instead of defining steps that change some state and maybe looping
them, higher order functions are indispensable. They’re a really
powerful way of solving problems and thinking about programs.
Curried functions
Every function in Haskell officially only takes one parameter. So how is
it possible that we defined and used several functions that take more
than one parameter so far? Well, it’s a clever trick! All the functions
that accepted several parameters so far have been curried functions.
What does that mean? You’ll understand it best on an example. Let’s take
our good friend, the max
function. It looks like it takes two parameters
and returns the one that’s bigger. Doing max 4 5
first creates a
function that takes a parameter and returns either 4
or that parameter,
depending on which is bigger. Then, 5
is applied to that function and
that function produces our desired result. That sounds like a mouthful
but it’s actually a really cool concept. The following two calls are
ghci> max 4 5
ghci> (max 4) 5

Putting a space between two things is simply function application.
The space is sort of like an operator and it has the highest precedence.
Let’s examine the type of max
. It’s max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a
That can also be written as max :: (Ord a) => a -> (a -> a)
. That
could be read as: max
takes an a
and returns (that’s the ->
a function that takes an a
and returns an a
That’s why the return type and the
parameters of functions are all simply separated with arrows.
So how is that beneficial to us? Simply speaking, if we call a function
with too few parameters, we get back a partially applied function,
meaning a function that takes as many parameters as we left out. Using
partial application (calling functions with too few parameters, if you
will) is a neat way to create functions on the fly so we can pass them
to another function or to seed them with some data.
Take a look at this offensively simple function:
multThree :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a
multThree x y z = x * y * z
What really happens when we do multThree 3 5 9
or ((multThree 3) 5) 9
First, 3
is applied to multThree
, because they’re separated by a space.
That creates a function that takes one parameter and returns a function.
So then 5
is applied to that, which creates a function that will take a
parameter and multiply it by 15. 9
is applied to that function and the
result is 135 or something. Remember that this function’s type could
also be written as multThree :: (Num a) => a -> (a -> (a -> a))
. The
thing before the ->
is the parameter that a function takes and the
thing after it is what it returns. So our function takes an a
returns a function of type (Num a) => a -> (a -> a)
. Similarly, this
function takes an a
and returns a function of type (Num a) => a -> a
And this function, finally, just takes an a
and returns an a
. Take a
look at this:
ghci> let multTwoWithNine = multThree 9
ghci> multTwoWithNine 2 3
ghci> let multWithEighteen = multTwoWithNine 2
ghci> multWithEighteen 10
By calling functions with too few parameters, so to speak, we’re
creating new functions on the fly. What if we wanted to create a
function that takes a number and compares it to 100
? We could do
something like this:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name=”code”}
compareWithHundred :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Ordering
compareWithHundred x = compare 100 x
If we call it with `99`, it returns a `GT`. Simple stuff. Notice that the `x`
is on the right hand side on both sides of the equation. Now let's think
about what `compare 100` returns. It returns a function that takes a
number and compares it with `100`. Wow! Isn't that the function we wanted?
We can rewrite this as:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
compareWithHundred :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Ordering
compareWithHundred = compare 100
The type declaration stays the same, because compare 100
returns a
function. Compare has a type of (Ord a) => a -> (a -> Ordering)
calling it with 100
returns a (Num a, Ord a) => a -> Ordering
. The
additional class constraint sneaks up there because 100
is also part of
the Num
Yo! Make sure you really understand how curried functions and partial
application work because they’re really important!
Infix functions can also be partially applied by using sections. To
section an infix function, simply surround it with parentheses and only
supply a parameter on one side. That creates a function that takes one
parameter and then applies it to the side that’s missing an operand. An
insultingly trivial function:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name=”code”}
divideByTen :: (Floating a) => a -> a
divideByTen = (/10)
Calling, say, `divideByTen 200` is equivalent to doing `200 / 10`, as is
doing `(/10) 200`. A function that checks if a character supplied to it is
an uppercase letter:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
isUpperAlphanum :: Char -> Bool
isUpperAlphanum = (`elem` ['A'..'Z'])
The only special thing about sections is using -
. From the definition of
sections, (-4)
would result in a function that takes a number and
subtracts 4 from it. However, for convenience, (-4)
means minus four. So
if you want to make a function that subtracts 4 from the number it gets
as a parameter, partially apply the subtract
function like so:
(subtract 4)
What happens if we try to just do multThree 3 4
in GHCI instead of
binding it to a name with a let or passing it to another function?
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name=”code”}
ghci> multThree 3 4
No instance for (Show (t -> t))
arising from a use of `print' at :1:0-12
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (t -> t))
In the expression: print it
In a 'do' expression: print it
GHCI is telling us that the expression produced a function of type
`a -> a`
but it doesn't know how to print it to the screen. Functions aren't
instances of the `Show` typeclass, so we can't get a neat string
representation of a function. When we do, say, `1 + 1` at the GHCI prompt,
it first calculates that to `2` and then calls `show` on `2` to get a textual
representation of that number. And the textual representation of `2` is
just the string `"2"`, which then gets printed to our screen.
Some higher-orderism is in order
Functions can take functions as parameters and also return functions. To
illustrate this, we're going to make a function that takes a function
and then applies it twice to something!
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyTwice f x = f (f x)

First of all, notice the type declaration. Before, we didn't need
parentheses because `->` is naturally right-associative. However, here,
they're mandatory. They indicate that the first parameter is a function
that takes something and returns that same thing. The second parameter
is something of that type also and the return value is also of the same
type. We could read this type declaration in the curried way, but to
save ourselves a headache, we'll just say that this function takes two
parameters and returns one thing. The first parameter is a function (of
type `a -> a`) and the second is that same `a`. The function can also be
`Int -> Int` or `String -> String` or whatever. But then, the second
parameter to also has to be of that type.
> *Note:* From now on, we'll say that functions take several parameters
> despite each function actually taking only one parameter and returning
> partially applied functions until we reach a function that returns a
> solid value. So for simplicity's sake, we'll say that `a -> a -> a`
> takes two parameters, even though we know what's really going on under
> the hood.
The body of the function is pretty simple. We just use the parameter `f`
as a function, applying `x` to it by separating them with a space and then
applying the result to `f` again. Anyway, playing around with the
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
ghci> applyTwice (+3) 10
ghci> applyTwice (++ " HAHA") "HEY"
ghci> applyTwice ("HAHA " ++) "HEY"
ghci> applyTwice (multThree 2 2) 9
ghci> applyTwice (3:) [1]
The awesomeness and usefulness of partial application is evident. If our
function requires us to pass it a function that takes only one
parameter, we can just partially apply a function to the point where it
takes only one parameter and then pass it.
Now we're going to use higher order programming to implement a really
useful function that's in the standard library. It's called `zipWith`. It
takes a function and two lists as parameters and then joins the two
lists by applying the function between corresponding elements. Here's
how we'll implement it:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
zipWith' :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith' _ [] _ = []
zipWith' _ _ [] = []
zipWith' f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith' f xs ys
Look at the type declaration. The first parameter is a function that
takes two things and produces a third thing. They don't have to be of
the same type, but they can. The second and third parameter are lists.
The result is also a list. The first has to be a list of `a`'s, because
the joining function takes `a`'s as its first argument. The second has to
be a list of `b`'s, because the second parameter of the joining function
is of type `b`. The result is a list of `c`'s. If the type declaration of a
function says it accepts an `a -> b -> c` function as a parameter, it
will also accept an `a -> a -> a` function, but not the other way
around! Remember that when you're making functions, especially higher
order ones, and you're unsure of the type, you can just try omitting the
type declaration and then checking what Haskell infers it to be by using
The action in the function is pretty similar to the normal `zip`. The edge
conditions are the same, only there's an extra argument, the joining
function, but that argument doesn't matter in the edge conditions, so we
just use a `_` for it. And function body at the last pattern is also
similar to `zip`, only it doesn't do `(x,y)`, but `f x y`. A single higher
order function can be used for a multitude of different tasks if it's
general enough. Here's a little demonstration of all the different
things our `zipWith'` function can do:
ghci> zipWith' (+) [4,2,5,6] [2,6,2,3]
ghci> zipWith' max [6,3,2,1] [7,3,1,5]
ghci> zipWith' (++) ["foo ", "bar ", "baz "] ["fighters", "hoppers", "aldrin"]
["foo fighters","bar hoppers","baz aldrin"]
ghci> zipWith' (*) (replicate 5 2) [1..]
ghci> zipWith' (zipWith' (*)) [[1,2,3],[3,5,6],[2,3,4]] [[3,2,2],[3,4,5],[5,4,3]]
As you can see, a single higher order function can be used in very
versatile ways. Imperative programming usually uses stuff like for
loops, while loops, setting something to a variable, checking its state,
etc. to achieve some behavior and then wrap it around an interface, like
a function. Functional programming uses higher order functions to
abstract away common patterns, like examining two lists in pairs and
doing something with those pairs or getting a set of solutions and
eliminating the ones you don't need.
We'll implement another function that's already in the standard library,
called `flip`. Flip simply takes a function and returns a function that is
like our original function, only the first two arguments are flipped. We
can implement it like so:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
flip' :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
flip' f = g
where g x y = f y x
Reading the type declaration, we say that it takes a function that takes
an `a` and a `b` and returns a function that takes a `b` and an `a`. But because
functions are curried by default, the second pair of parentheses is
really unnecessary, because `->` is right associative by default.
`(a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)` is the same as
`(a -> b -> c) -> (b -> (a -> c))`,
which is the same as `(a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c`. We
wrote that `g x y = f y x`. If that's true, then `f y x = g x y` must also
hold, right? Keeping that in mind, we can define this function in an
even simpler manner.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
flip' :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip' f y x = f x y
Here, we take advantage of the fact that functions are curried. When we
call `flip' f` without the parameters `y` and `x`, it will return an `f` that
takes those two parameters but calls them flipped. Even though flipped
functions are usually passed to other functions, we can take advantage
of currying when making higher-order functions by thinking ahead and
writing what their end result would be if they were called fully
ghci> flip' zip [1,2,3,4,5] "hello"
ghci> zipWith (flip' div) [2,2..] [10,8,6,4,2]
Maps and filters
`map` takes a function and a list and applies that function to every
element in the list, producing a new list. Let's see what its type
signature is and how it's defined.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
The type signature says that it takes a function that takes an `a` and
returns a `b`, a list of `a`'s and returns a list of `b`'s. It's interesting
that just by looking at a function's type signature, you can sometimes
tell what it does. `map` is one of those really versatile higher-order
functions that can be used in millions of different ways. Here it is in
ghci> map (+3) [1,5,3,1,6]
ghci> map (++ "!") ["BIFF", "BANG", "POW"]
ghci> map (replicate 3) [3..6]
ghci> map (map (^2)) [[1,2],[3,4,5,6],[7,8]]
ghci> map fst [(1,2),(3,5),(6,3),(2,6),(2,5)]
You've probably noticed that each of these could be achieved with a list
comprehension. `map (+3) [1,5,3,1,6]` is the same as writing
`[x+3 | x <- [1,5,3,1,6]]`.
However, using `map` is much more readable for cases where
you only apply some function to the elements of a list, especially once
you're dealing with maps of maps and then the whole thing with a lot of
brackets can get a bit messy.
`filter` is a function that takes a predicate (a predicate is a function
that tells whether something is true or not, so in our case, a function
that returns a boolean value) and a list and then returns the list of
elements that satisfy the predicate. The type signature and
implementation go like this:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter _ [] = []
filter p (x:xs)
| p x = x : filter p xs
| otherwise = filter p xs
Pretty simple stuff. If `p x` evaluates to `True`, the element gets included
in the new list. If it doesn't, it stays out. Some usage examples:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
ghci> filter (>3) [1,5,3,2,1,6,4,3,2,1]
ghci> filter (==3) [1,2,3,4,5]
ghci> filter even [1..10]
ghci> let notNull x = not (null x) in filter notNull [[1,2,3],[],[3,4,5],[2,2],[],[],[]]
ghci> filter (`elem` ['a'..'z']) "u LaUgH aT mE BeCaUsE I aM diFfeRent"
ghci> filter (`elem` ['A'..'Z']) "i lauGh At You BecAuse u r aLL the Same"
All of this could also be achieved with list comprehensions by the use of
predicates. There's no set rule for when to use `map` and `filter` versus
using list comprehension, you just have to decide what's more readable
depending on the code and the context. The `filter` equivalent of applying
several predicates in a list comprehension is either filtering something
several times or joining the predicates with the logical `&&` function.
Remember our quicksort function from the [previous chapter](#recursion)?
We used list comprehensions to filter out the list elements that are
smaller than (or equal to) and larger than the pivot. We can achieve the
same functionality in a more readable way by using `filter`:
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) =
let smallerSorted = quicksort (filter (<=x) xs)
biggerSorted = quicksort (filter (>x) xs)
in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted

Mapping and filtering is the bread and butter of every functional
programmer's toolbox. Uh. It doesn't matter if you do it with the `map`
and `filter` functions or list comprehensions. Recall how we solved the
problem of finding right triangles with a certain circumference. With
imperative programming, we would have solved it by nesting three loops
and then testing if the current combination satisfies a right triangle
and if it has the right perimeter. If that's the case, we would have
printed it out to the screen or something. In functional programming,
that pattern is achieved with mapping and filtering. You make a function
that takes a value and produces some result. We map that function over a
list of values and then we filter the resulting list out for the results
that satisfy our search. Thanks to Haskell's laziness, even if you map
something over a list several times and filter it several times, it will
only pass over the list once.
Let's *find the largest number under 100,000 that's divisible by 3829*.
To do that, we'll just filter a set of possibilities in which we know
the solution lies.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
largestDivisible :: (Integral a) => a
largestDivisible = head (filter p [100000,99999..])
where p x = x `mod` 3829 == 0
We first make a list of all numbers lower than 100,000, descending. Then
we filter it by our predicate and because the numbers are sorted in a
descending manner, the largest number that satisfies our predicate is
the first element of the filtered list. We didn't even need to use a
finite list for our starting set. That's laziness in action again.
Because we only end up using the head of the filtered list, it doesn't
matter if the filtered list is finite or infinite. The evaluation stops
when the first adequate solution is found.
Next up, we're going to *find the sum of all odd squares that are
smaller than 10,000*. But first, because we'll be using it in our
solution, we're going to introduce the takeWhile function. It takes a
predicate and a list and then goes from the beginning of the list and
returns its elements while the predicate holds true. Once an element is
found for which the predicate doesn't hold, it stops. If we wanted to
get the first word of the string `"elephants know how to party"`, we could
do `takeWhile (/=' ') "elephants know how to party"` and it would return
`"elephants"`. Okay. The sum of all odd squares that are smaller than
10,000. First, we'll begin by mapping the `(^2)` function to the infinite
list `[1..]`. Then we filter them so we only get the odd ones. And then,
we'll take elements from that list while they are smaller than 10,000.
Finally, we'll get the sum of that list. We don't even have to define a
function for that, we can do it in one line in GHCI:
ghci> sum (takeWhile (<10000) (filter odd (map (^2) [1..])))
Awesome! We start with some initial data (the infinite list of all
natural numbers) and then we map over it, filter it and cut it until it
suits our needs and then we just sum it up. We could have also written
this using list comprehensions:
ghci> sum (takeWhile (<10000) [n^2 | n <- [1..], odd (n^2)])
It's a matter of taste as to which one you find prettier. Again,
Haskell's property of laziness is what makes this possible. We can map
over and filter an infinite list, because it won't actually map and
filter it right away, it'll delay those actions. Only when we force
Haskell to show us the `sum` does the sum function say to the `takeWhile`
that it needs those numbers. `takeWhile` forces the filtering and mapping
to occur, but only until a number greater than or equal to 10,000 is
For our next problem, we'll be dealing with Collatz sequences. We take a
natural number. If that number is even, we divide it by two. If it's
odd, we multiply it by 3 and then add 1 to that. We take the resulting
number and apply the same thing to it, which produces a new number and
so on. In essence, we get a chain of numbers. It is thought that for all
starting numbers, the chains finish at the number 1. So if we take the
starting number 13, we get this sequence: *13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4,
2, 1*. 13\*3 + 1 equals 40. 40 divided by 2 is 20, etc. We see that the
chain has 10 terms.
Now what we want to know is this: *for all starting numbers between 1
and 100, how many chains have a length greater than 15?* First off,
we'll write a function that produces a chain:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
chain :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
chain 1 = [1]
chain n
| even n = n:chain (n `div` 2)
| odd n = n:chain (n*3 + 1)
Because the chains end at 1, that's the edge case. This is a pretty
standard recursive function.
ghci> chain 10
ghci> chain 1
ghci> chain 30
Yay! It seems to be working correctly. And now, the function that tells
us the answer to our question:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
numLongChains :: Int
numLongChains = length (filter isLong (map chain [1..100]))
where isLong xs = length xs > 15
We map the `chain` function to `[1..100]` to get a list of chains, which are
themselves represented as lists. Then, we filter them by a predicate
that just checks whether a list's length is longer than 15. Once we've
done the filtering, we see how many chains are left in the resulting
> *Note:* This function has a type of `numLongChains :: Int` because `length`
> returns an `Int` instead of a `Num a` for historical reasons. If we wanted
> to return a more general `Num a`, we could have used `fromIntegral` on the
> resulting length.
Using `map`, we can also do stuff like `map (*) [0..]`, if not for any
other reason than to illustrate how currying works and how (partially
applied) functions are real values that you can pass around to other
functions or put into lists (you just can't turn them to strings). So
far, we've only mapped functions that take one parameter over lists,
like `map (*2) [0..]` to get a list of type `(Num a) => [a]`, but we can
also do `map (*) [0..]` without a problem. What happens here is that the
number in the list is applied to the function `*`, which has a type of
`(Num a) => a -> a -> a`. Applying only one parameter to a function
that takes two parameters returns a function that takes one parameter.
If we map `*` over the list `[0..]`, we get back a list of functions that
only take one parameter, so `(Num a) => [a -> a]`. `map (*) [0..]`
produces a list like the one we'd get by writing
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
ghci> let listOfFuns = map (*) [0..]
ghci> (listOfFuns !! 4) 5
Getting the element with the index `4` from our list returns a function
that's equivalent to `(4*)`. And then, we just apply `5` to that function.
So that's like writing `(4*) 5` or just `4 * 5`.

Lambdas are basically anonymous functions that are used because we need
some functions only once. Normally, we make a lambda with the sole
purpose of passing it to a higher-order function. To make a lambda, we
write a `\` (because it kind of looks like the Greek letter lambda if you
squint hard enough) and then we write the parameters, separated by
spaces. After that comes a `->` and then the function body. We usually
surround them by parentheses, because otherwise they extend all the way
to the right.
If you look about 5 inches up, you'll see that we used a *where* binding
in our `numLongChains` function to make the `isLong` function for the sole
purpose of passing it to `filter`. Well, instead of doing that, we can use
a lambda:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
numLongChains :: Int
numLongChains = length (filter (\xs -> length xs > 15) (map chain [1..100]))
Lambdas are expressions, that's why we can just pass them like that. The
expression `(\xs -> length xs > 15)` returns a function that tells us
whether the length of the list passed to it is greater than 15.

People who are not well acquainted with how currying and partial
application works often use lambdas where they don't need to. For
instance, the expressions `map (+3) [1,6,3,2]` and
`map (\x -> x + 3) [1,6,3,2]`
are equivalent since both `(+3)` and `(\x -> x + 3)` are
functions that take a number and add 3 to it. Needless to say, making a
lambda in this case is stupid since using partial application is much
more readable.
Like normal functions, lambdas can take any number of parameters:
ghci> zipWith (\a b -> (a * 30 + 3) / b) [5,4,3,2,1] [1,2,3,4,5]
And like normal functions, you can pattern match in lambdas. The only
difference is that you can't define several patterns for one parameter,
like making a `[]` and a `(x:xs)` pattern for the same parameter and then
having values fall through. If a pattern matching fails in a lambda, a
runtime error occurs, so be careful when pattern matching in lambdas!
ghci> map (\(a,b) -> a + b) [(1,2),(3,5),(6,3),(2,6),(2,5)]
Lambdas are normally surrounded by parentheses unless we mean for them
to extend all the way to the right. Here's something interesting: due to
the way functions are curried by default, these two are equivalent:
addThree :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a
addThree x y z = x + y + z
addThree :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a -> a
addThree = \x -> \y -> \z -> x + y + z
If we define a function like this, it's obvious why the type declaration
is what it is. There are three `->`'s in both the type declaration and
the equation. But of course, the first way to write functions is far
more readable, the second one is pretty much a gimmick to illustrate
However, there are times when using this notation is cool. I think that
the `flip` function is the most readable when defined like so:
flip' :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip' f = \x y -> f y x
Even though that's the same as writing `flip' f x y = f y x`, we make it
obvious that this will be used for producing a new function most of the
time. The most common use case with `flip` is calling it with just the
function parameter and then passing the resulting function on to a map
or a filter. So use lambdas in this way when you want to make it
explicit that your function is mainly meant to be partially applied and
passed on to a function as a parameter.
Only folds and horses

Back when we were dealing with recursion, we noticed a theme throughout
many of the recursive functions that operated on lists. Usually, we'd
have an edge case for the empty list. We'd introduce the `x:xs` pattern
and then we'd do some action that involves a single element and the rest
of the list. It turns out this is a very common pattern, so a couple of
very useful functions were introduced to encapsulate it. These functions
are called folds. They're sort of like the `map` function, only they
reduce the list to some single value.
A fold takes a binary function, a starting value (I like to call it the
accumulator) and a list to fold up. The binary function itself takes two
parameters. The binary function is called with the accumulator and the
first (or last) element and produces a new accumulator. Then, the binary
function is called again with the new accumulator and the now new first
(or last) element, and so on. Once we've walked over the whole list,
only the accumulator remains, which is what we've reduced the list to.
First let's take a look at the `foldl` function, also called the left
fold. It folds the list up from the left side. The binary function is
applied between the starting value and the head of the list. That
produces a new accumulator value and the binary function is called with
that value and the next element, etc.
Let's implement `sum` again, only this time, we'll use a fold instead of
explicit recursion.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sum' xs = foldl (\acc x -> acc + x) 0 xs
Testing, one two three:
ghci> sum' [3,5,2,1]

Let's take an in-depth look into how this fold happens.
`\acc x -> acc + x` is the binary function.
`0` is the starting value and `xs` is the list
to be folded up. Now first, `0` is used as the `acc` parameter to the binary
function and `3` is used as the `x` (or the current element) parameter.
`0 + 3` produces a `3` and it becomes the new accumulator value, so to speak.
Next up, `3` is used as the accumulator value and `5` as the current element
and `8` becomes the new accumulator value. Moving forward, `8` is the
accumulator value, `2` is the current element, the new accumulator value
is `10`. Finally, that `10` is used as the accumulator value and `1` as the
current element, producing an `11`. Congratulations, you've done a fold!
This professional diagram on the left illustrates how a fold happens,
step by step (day by day!). The greenish brown number is the accumulator
value. You can see how the list is sort of consumed up from the left
side by the accumulator. Om nom nom nom! If we take into account that
functions are curried, we can write this implementation ever more
succinctly, like so:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sum' = foldl (+) 0
The lambda function `(\acc x -> acc + x)` is the same as `(+)`. We can
omit the `xs` as the parameter because calling `foldl (+) 0` will return a
function that takes a list. Generally, if you have a function like
`foo a = bar b a`, you can rewrite it as `foo = bar b`, because of currying.
Anyhoo, let's implement another function with a left fold before moving
on to right folds. I'm sure you all know that `elem` checks whether a
value is part of a list so I won't go into that again (whoops, just
did!). Let's implement it with a left fold.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
elem' :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
elem' y ys = foldl (\acc x -> if x == y then True else acc) False ys
Well, well, well, what do we have here? The starting value and
accumulator here is a boolean value. The type of the accumulator value
and the end result is always the same when dealing with folds. Remember
that if you ever don't know what to use as a starting value, it'll give
you some idea. We start off with `False`. It makes sense to use `False` as a
starting value. We assume it isn't there. Also, if we call a fold on an
empty list, the result will just be the starting value. Then we check
the current element is the element we're looking for. If it is, we set
the accumulator to `True`. If it's not, we just leave the accumulator
unchanged. If it was `False` before, it stays that way because this
current element is not it. If it was `True`, we leave it at that.
The right fold, `foldr` works in a similar way to the left fold, only the
accumulator eats up the values from the right. Also, the left fold's
binary function has the accumulator as the first parameter and the
current value as the second one (so `\acc x -> ...`), the right fold's
binary function has the current value as the first parameter and the
accumulator as the second one (so `\x acc -> ...`). It kind of makes
sense that the right fold has the accumulator on the right, because it
folds from the right side.
The accumulator value (and hence, the result) of a fold can be of any
type. It can be a number, a boolean or even a new list. We'll be
implementing the map function with a right fold. The accumulator will be
a list, we'll be accumulating the mapped list element by element. From
that, it's obvious that the starting element will be an empty list.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f xs = foldr (\x acc -> f x : acc) [] xs
If we're mapping `(+3)` to `[1,2,3]`, we approach the list from the right
side. We take the last element, which is `3` and apply the function to it,
which ends up being `6`. Then, we prepend it to the accumulator, which is
was `[]`. `6:[]` is `[6]` and that's now the accumulator. We apply `(+3)` to `2`,
that's `5` and we prepend (`:`) it to the accumulator, so the accumulator is
now `[5,6]`. We apply `(+3)` to `1` and prepend that to the accumulator and so
the end value is `[4,5,6]`.
Of course, we could have implemented this function with a left fold too.
It would be `map' f xs = foldl (\acc x -> acc ++ [f x]) [] xs`, but the
thing is that the `++` function is much more expensive than `:`, so we
usually use right folds when we're building up new lists from a list.

If you reverse a list, you can do a right fold on it just like you would
have done a left fold and vice versa. Sometimes you don't even have to
do that. The `sum` function can be implemented pretty much the same with a
left and right fold. One big difference is that right folds work on
infinite lists, whereas left ones don't! To put it plainly, if you take
an infinite list at some point and you fold it up from the right, you'll
eventually reach the beginning of the list. However, if you take an
infinite list at a point and you try to fold it up from the left, you'll
never reach an end!
*Folds can be used to implement any function where you traverse a list
once, element by element, and then return something based on that.
Whenever you want to traverse a list to return something, chances are
you want a fold.* That's why folds are, along with maps and filters, one
of the most useful types of functions in functional programming.
The `foldl1` and `foldr1` functions work much like `foldl` and `foldr`, only you
don't need to provide them with an explicit starting value. They assume
the first (or last) element of the list to be the starting value and
then start the fold with the element next to it. With that in mind, the
`sum` function can be implemented like so: `sum = foldl1 (+)`. Because they
depend on the lists they fold up having at least one element, they cause
runtime errors if called with empty lists. `foldl` and `foldr`, on the other
hand, work fine with empty lists. When making a fold, think about how it
acts on an empty list. If the function doesn't make sense when given an
empty list, you can probably use a `foldl1` or `foldr1` to implement it.
Just to show you how powerful folds are, we're going to implement a
bunch of standard library functions by using folds:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
maximum' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum' = foldr1 (\x acc -> if x > acc then x else acc)
reverse' :: [a] -> [a]
reverse' = foldl (\acc x -> x : acc) []
product' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
product' = foldr1 (*)
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter' p = foldr (\x acc -> if p x then x : acc else acc) []
head' :: [a] -> a
head' = foldr1 (\x _ -> x)
last' :: [a] -> a
last' = foldl1 (\_ x -> x)
`head` is better implemented by pattern matching, but this just goes to
show, you can still achieve it by using folds. Our `reverse'` definition
is pretty clever, I think. We take a starting value of an empty list and
then approach our list from the left and just prepend to our
accumulator. In the end, we build up a reversed list.
`\acc x -> x : acc`
kind of looks like the : function, only the parameters are flipped.
That's why we could have also written our reverse as
`foldl (flip (:)) []`.
Another way to picture right and left folds is like this: say we have a
right fold and the binary function is `f` and the starting value is `z`.
If we're right folding over the list `[3,4,5,6]`,
we're essentially doing this:
`f 3 (f 4 (f 5 (f 6 z)))`.
`f` is called with the last element in the
list and the accumulator, that value is given as the accumulator to the
next to last value and so on. If we take `f` to be `+` and the starting
accumulator value to be `0`, that's `3 + (4 + (5 + (6 + 0)))`. Or if we
write `+` as a prefix function, that's `(+) 3 ((+) 4 ((+) 5 ((+) 6 0)))`.
Similarly, doing a left fold over that list with `g` as the binary
function and `z` as the accumulator is the equivalent of
`g (g (g (g z 3) 4) 5) 6`.
If we use `flip (:)` as the binary function and `[]` as the
accumulator (so we're reversing the list), then that's the equivalent of
`flip (:) (flip (:) (flip (:) (flip (:) [] 3) 4) 5) 6`. And sure enough,
if you evaluate that expression, you get `[6,5,4,3]`.
`scanl` and `scanr` are like `foldl` and `foldr`, only they report all the
intermediate accumulator states in the form of a list. There are also
`scanl1` and `scanr1`, which are analogous to `foldl1` and `foldr1`.
ghci> scanl (+) 0 [3,5,2,1]
ghci> scanr (+) 0 [3,5,2,1]
ghci> scanl1 (\acc x -> if x > acc then x else acc) [3,4,5,3,7,9,2,1]
ghci> scanl (flip (:)) [] [3,2,1]
When using a `scanl`, the final result will be in the last element of the
resulting list while a `scanr` will place the result in the head.
Scans are used to monitor the progression of a function that can be
implemented as a fold. Let's answer us this question: *How many elements
does it take for the sum of the roots of all natural numbers to exceed
1000?* To get the squares of all natural numbers, we just do
`map sqrt [1..]`.
Now, to get the sum, we could do a fold, but because we're
interested in how the sum progresses, we're going to do a scan. Once
we've done the scan, we just see how many sums are under 1000. The first
sum in the scanlist will be 1, normally. The second will be 1 plus the
square root of 2. The third will be that plus the square root of 3. If
there are X sums under 1000, then it takes X+1 elements for the sum to
exceed 1000.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
sqrtSums :: Int
sqrtSums = length (takeWhile (<1000) (scanl1 (+) (map sqrt [1..]))) + 1
ghci> sqrtSums
ghci> sum (map sqrt [1..131])
ghci> sum (map sqrt [1..130])
We use `takeWhile` here instead of `filter` because `filter` doesn't work on
infinite lists. Even though we know the list is ascending, `filter`
doesn't, so we use `takeWhile` to cut the scanlist off at the first
occurence of a sum greater than 1000.
Function application with \$
Alright, next up, we'll take a look at the `$` function, also called
*function application*. First of all, let's check out how it's defined:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x = f x

What the heck? What is this useless operator? It's just function
application! Well, almost, but not quite! Whereas normal function
application (putting a space between two things) has a really high
precedence, the `$` function has the lowest precedence. Function
application with a space is left-associative (so `f a b c` is the same as
`((f a) b) c))`, function application with `$` is right-associative.
That's all very well, but how does this help us? Most of the time, it's
a convenience function so that we don't have to write so many
parentheses. Consider the expression `sum (map sqrt [1..130])`. Because `$`
has such a low precedence, we can rewrite that expression as
`sum $ map sqrt [1..130]`,
saving ourselves precious keystrokes! When a `$` is
encountered, the expression on its right is applied as the parameter to
the function on its left. How about `sqrt 3 + 4 + 9`? This adds together
9, 4 and the square root of 3. If we want get the square root of *3 + 4
+ 9*, we'd have to write `sqrt (3 + 4 + 9)` or if we use `$` we can write
it as `sqrt $ 3 + 4 + 9` because `$` has the lowest precedence of any
operator. That's why you can imagine a `$` being sort of the equivalent
of writing an opening parentheses and then writing a closing one on the
far right side of the expression.
How about
`sum (filter (> 10) (map (*2) [2..10]))`?
Well, because `$` is right-associative,
`f (g (z x))` is equal to `f $ g $ z x`.
And so, we can rewrite
`sum (filter (> 10) (map (*2) [2..10]))`
`sum $ filter (> 10) $ map (*2) [2..10]`.
But apart from getting rid of parentheses, `$` means that function
application can be treated just like another function. That way, we can,
for instance, map function application over a list of functions.
ghci> map ($ 3) [(4+), (10*), (^2), sqrt]
Function composition
In mathematics, function composition is defined like this:
, meaning that
composing two functions produces a new function that, when called with a
parameter, say, *x* is the equivalent of calling *g* with the parameter
*x* and then calling the *f* with that result.
In Haskell, function composition is pretty much the same thing. We do
function composition with the `.` function, which is defined like so:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
f . g = \x -> f (g x)

Mind the type declaration. `f` must take as its parameter a value that has
the same type as `g`'s return value. So the resulting function takes a
parameter of the same type that g takes and returns a value of the same
type that `f` returns. The expression `negate . (* 3)` returns a function
that takes a number, multiplies it by 3 and then negates it.
One of the uses for function composition is making functions on the fly
to pass to other functions. Sure, can use lambdas for that, but many
times, function composition is clearer and more concise. Say we have a
list of numbers and we want to turn them all into negative numbers. One
way to do that would be to get each number's absolute value and then
negate it, like so:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
ghci> map (\x -> negate (abs x)) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
Notice the lambda and how it looks like the result function composition.
Using function composition, we can rewrite that as:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
ghci> map (negate . abs) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
Fabulous! Function composition is right-associative, so we can compose
many functions at a time. The expression `f (g (z x))` is equivalent to
`(f . g . z) x`. With that in mind, we can turn
ghci> map (\xs -> negate (sum (tail xs))) [[1..5],[3..6],[1..7]]
ghci> map (negate . sum . tail) [[1..5],[3..6],[1..7]]
But what about functions that take several parameters? Well, if we want
to use them in function composition, we usually have to partially apply
them just so much that each function takes just one parameter.
`sum (replicate 5 (max 6.7 8.9))` can be rewritten as
`(sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9` or as
`sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7 $ 8.9`. What goes on in here
is this: a function that takes what `max 6.7` takes and applies
`replicate 5` to it is created.
Then, a function that takes the result of that and
does a sum of it is created. Finally, that function is called with `8.9`.
But normally, you just read that as: apply `8.9` to `max 6.7`, then apply
`replicate 5` to that and then apply `sum` to that. If you want to rewrite
an expression with a lot of parentheses by using function composition,
you can start by putting the last parameter of the innermost function
after a `$` and then just composing all the other function calls, writing
them without their last parameter and putting dots between them. If you
`replicate 100 (product (map (*3) (zipWith max [1,2,3,4,5] [4,5,6,7,8])))`,
you can write it as
`replicate 100 . product . map (*3) . zipWith max [1,2,3,4,5] $ [4,5,6,7,8]`.
If the expression ends with
three parentheses, chances are that if you translate it into function
composition, it'll have three composition operators.
Another common use of function composition is defining functions in the
so-called point free style (also called the point*less* style). Take for
example this function that we wrote earlier:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sum' xs = foldl (+) 0 xs
The `xs` is exposed on both right sides. Because of currying, we can omit
the `xs` on both sides, because calling `foldl (+) 0` creates a function
that takes a list. Writing the function as `sum' = foldl (+) 0` is called
writing it in point free style. How would we write this in point free
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
fn x = ceiling (negate (tan (cos (max 50 x))))
We can't just get rid of the `x` on both right sides. The `x` in the
function body has parentheses after it. `cos (max 50)` wouldn't make
sense. You can't get the cosine of a function. What we can do is express
`fn` as a composition of functions.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
fn = ceiling . negate . tan . cos . max 50
Excellent! Many times, a point free style is more readable and concise,
because it makes you think about functions and what kind of functions
composing them results in instead of thinking about data and how it's
shuffled around. You can take simple functions and use composition as
glue to form more complex functions. However, many times, writing a
function in point free style can be less readable if a function is too
complex. That's why making long chains of function composition is
discouraged, although I plead guilty of sometimes being too
composition-happy. The preferred style is to use *let* bindings to give
labels to intermediary results or split the problem into sub-problems
and then put it together so that the function makes sense to someone
reading it instead of just making a huge composition chain.
In the section about maps and filters, we solved a problem of finding
the sum of all odd squares that are smaller than 10,000. Here's what the
solution looks like when put into a function.
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
oddSquareSum :: Integer
oddSquareSum = sum (takeWhile (<10000) (filter odd (map (^2) [1..])))
Being such a fan of function composition, I would have probably written
that like this:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
oddSquareSum :: Integer
oddSquareSum = sum . takeWhile (<10000) . filter odd . map (^2) $ [1..]
However, if there was a chance of someone else reading that code, I
would have written it like this:
~~~~ {.haskell:hs name="code"}
oddSquareSum :: Integer
oddSquareSum =
let oddSquares = filter odd $ map (^2) [1..]
belowLimit = takeWhile (<10000) oddSquares
in sum belowLimit
It wouldn't win any code golf competition, but someone reading the
function will probably find it easier to read than a composition chain.